Audios for children can be a great help with anxiety and other issues such as lack of confidence or self-esteem, bedwetting, exam or family stress, or any of a wide range of other issues. They’re useful alongside therapy. Or, if your child is not yet ready to work with a therapist, they can help you offer support within the family.

Helping children with anxiety

Follow these links for a few suggestions and recommendations.

This is just one of a whole series of “What to do when …” books. They cover a variety of topics from worrying too much, to dreading your bed and flaring tempers. They include helpful information and activities you can do with your child to address the problem. To see more titles in the series CLICK HERE

Audios can provide a way of listening to positive suggestions and learning relaxation techniques that your child can do in their own time and space.
The one on the left is just one example, but to see more choices, CLICK THIS LINK.

Silly Limbic is a dog who is Oscar’s invisible friend. Limbic is supposed to look after Oscar but doesn’t always do a good job. He’s at the mercy of his emotions and needs to be trained. The characters are based on the science of the brain and offer an easy way to talk about emotions with younger children.
There are several titles, see them all on THIS LINK

If these books and audios for children are not enough, and you would like one-to-one help for your child, please see my children and therapy page, or get in touch. I work with children aged ten and over, online and in person.

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